This broad guideline is applicable to the majority of our seeds. For more detailed requirements, be sure to read the item description. High germination rates are mostly dependent on optimal moisture content, drainage, intense light, heat, and aeration.
Temperature, humidity, and light are the three factors that affect germination the most.
- Temperature: 60 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 28 degrees Celsius) is generally the suitable temperature range for succulent seed. Most succulent seeds won't sprout if the temperature rises beyond 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Sudden temperature drops during the night will encourage germination. In contrast to succulents, cactus seeds require 3-5 millimeters of sand burial. For the best germination rate, keep the temperature between 68°F and 86°F (20°C and 30°C).
- Humidity: During the first few weeks, maintain a greater moisture content. Use Ziploc bags or cover them with plastic wrap as a hint.
- Light: During germination, diffused light is crucial. Any bright indoor place would be sufficient. Stay out of the direct sun.
How to Plant Succulent and Cactus Seeds
Prepare substrate: Use a pre-mixed cactus and succulent potting soil mix for the best results. Make your own or purchase one from our shop.
The suggested mixture is 2:1:1:1 and should include peat moss, vermiculite, pumice, and fine sand particles
When “tiny” or “very tiny” is stated on the label, it is important to use fine sand to make the substrate. For tiny seeds, do not use potting soil or cactus soil. Please refer to the instructions for planting tiny seeds.
Soil sterilization: The soil in which seeds are sown holds great importance. Succulent and cactus seedlings have one thing in common: they cannot tolerate soil that drains poorly. The soil must be disinfected in order to shield your seedlings from frequent issues like mold and bacteria. You can microwave the soil mix for 90 seconds after wetting it to sanitize the soil.
To prepare the pot, use a clean pot with drainage holes: Proper drainage is essential. The screen that holds the substrate at the bottom of the pot is optional. Plant in 4-6-inch-diameter and 3-5-inch-deep shallow pots.
Add the substrate: Pour substrate until ½ inches from the top, then lightly press fine-grain sand on top of it to create a smooth surface. This very thin top layer will aid in rooting the seedlings.
Water from the bottom: Add distilled water to a separate container (larger than the pot), then place the pot in the water inside the container. Wait until the substrate gets saturated (you can notice the substrate changing to a darker color).
For very tiny seeds, follow the instructions for sowing very tiny seeds and refrain from using overhead watering, including mist and spray.
Arrange the seeds: Gently lay the seeds on the damp substate. Advice: Please refer to Germination Tips for Very Tiny Seeds for information on tiny and very tiny seed germination. The item description includes detailed instructions on how to cover larger seeds.
On the surface of the soil, scatter six to ten seeds. Add a thin coating of sand or soil on top. The grow area should be exposed to bright indirect light.
Keep it moist: Cover the pot with plastic wrap and poke holes to aid air circulation. Don't let the substrate get too wet.
After sprouting, water the seedlings frequently enough to keep them moist. Keep them from drying out. Keep shielding them from the intense heat of the sun. Wet the soil every one to four days during the first few weeks of growth. Water your plants once they are established, every one to four weeks (depending on the season, soil type, and temperature).
Use diffused sunlight: Keep the pot out of direct sunlight and place it in a sunny indoor space. For seeds, filtered natural sunlight is best, but you can also use grow lights or fluorescent lights to help them sprout.
Keep an eye on the humidity and temperature. Making sure it stays between the ideal range of 62 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. To maintain moisture in the substrate, repeat Step 4 as necessary. Every day, visually inspect the substrate for fungal infections.
Cover the growing space with glass or plastic, making sure there is enough space for air to circulate above the seeds. Try to keep the soil between 70 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. A soil heating mat provides very efficient bottom heat.
It is advised that the plastic wrap be taken off for roughly ten minutes every day in order to avoid fungal infection.
Seed germination takes different amounts of time: Even among the same species, there are differences in the germination time of each seed. Cover, or just partially cover, the pot. Once you notice the first few seedlings, cover them with plastic wrap for a few more days. Retain the surface wet. High humidity is still required for the remaining seeds to germinate.
A common occurrence is for a few seeds to sprout within a week, with the remaining seeds germinating one at a time thereafter. In most cases, depending on the species and variety, succulent seedlings emerge within a month.
Lithops and Monilaria seeds, among other membryanthemum seeds, often germinate in 10 days. Seeds of echeveria sprout in about a month. Dinterabthus seeds, however, can require up to three months.
If all favorable conditions are met, the germination time can be shortened. Otherwise, the germination could be delayed, or the seeds will not germinate. A reduced germination rate could be the outcome of smaller seeds.
The germination process might take one week to four months. Keep trying with your seeds until you observe fungus growing. Persistently maintaining damp soil will eventually guarantee success.
After germination, take off the cover and maintain the substrate damp until the development of the fourth true leaf. Keep the young seedlings in diffused sunshine for the first four months, and then gradually expose them to direct sunlight. Do not allow the substate to dry up completely. For the first twelve months, keep them in the shade. Maintain a temperature between 65 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fertilization: Apply fertilizer in the summer when plants are growing, but cease completely in the winter. Bloomize organic soluble fertilizer can be purchased in our shop.
Storage of seeds: If you plan to plant the seeds later, store them somewhere cold and dry.